If Israel wants peace, she must settle the water dispute

 Here in our cool North, where it rains only once a year, i.e. from January 1st to December 31st with small interruptions (this summer, the interruption was six weeks :), we do not think much of water. Yes, we have a pollution problem, but not a problem of quantity.

It was only the discussion about the Litani water that drew ma attention to this problem, and I searched as much as I could in the Internet in order to bring myself up-to-date concerning the water issue in Israel and Palestine. And I was horrified about the Israeli water distribution policy, about the way how the Palestinians are deprived of water.

Water is a matter of life or death. I can live in poverty, I can live far from home, under political oppression, even when my dear ones have been killed I can keep on living – but without water, I cannot live.

Who can be astonished when this Israeli action, trying to get hold of most of the Water in the region, when her policy to make water scarce for Palestinians (and partly also for the neighbour states) makes the people concerned deeply anxious, anxious for their lives! And when from this anxiety results a deep hatred, hatred that can be easily used by all kinds of political forces for their own interests.

If Israel ever wants to live in peace, then she must settle the water problem in the region. Israel must see to conclude treaties for the fair distribution of water.

There is the project of desalination of sea water, and there is much hope that this could solve the problem. Well then, go ahead! I think financial and technical help for that could be obtained. It only needs the will to do it and the will to cooperate for it in the region.

Tags: Water, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Peace

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