Archive for May, 2007

The EU Constitution and Peace

May 8, 2007

The 18 months programme which Germany, Portugal and Slovenia have established for the time of their subsequent presidencies of the European Council, provides inter alia that the endeavours to promote the European Constitutional Treaty be continued.

I never liked the draft of the European Constitution, and I was very unhappy that my parliament agreed to it. For me, the draft shows the intention of a stronger militarisation of Europe: now that Europe has achieved peace inside its borders, it arms itself to bring war outside.

I think that the Peace Movements which, I am sure, exist in all countries of the European Union, should protest against that, and I am sure that many of them already did. But I do not see whether the Peace Movements of the different countries have already united in order to take common action on this behalf.

Up to now, I did not find out. Does anybody know more about this issue?

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